Senin, 30 April 2012

Deleted Scene - Grumpy and Doc Argument

One of the many and varied elements that makes Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs so timeless is the tightness of its story. Walt Disney made sure of it. No matter how painful it might have been for artist or animator, in the end, if a scene was not needed, it had to go. The bedroom fight between Grumpy and Doc was one such example.

Fred Moore animation...

Animation clean-up by Fred Moore. Images and info via Treasures of Disney Animation Art, p.91-93.

After the dwarfs discover Snow White asleep upstairs. Grumpy wants her gone, but Doc says she can stay. A skirmish ensues. In the end, the sequence was dropped from the film because it "was thought to make too much of the dwarfs' argumentativeness." 

I tend to agree. You can view the pencil test video and see it was a bit too much for the story, though the animation is superb.

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